Assalamualaikum W.B.T.
Monday is here dear =)
its all bout my hp..arghhhh
Hye guys!
Hey, hey, you, you and you, I just wanna to informmalunyaaaa that my credit is inactive mode! Harap hp je mahal cik epy ni tp credit takde..hahaha malunye uhuhuh..So, I'm really sorry if I don't reply any SMS or respond anything via my phone. Ngeh~ I'm really lazy to topUP my credit n no money only to make it stay active. Time time cik epy tengah sengkek ni juga lah korang mahu contact cik epy. Alahai... Time cik epy banyak kredit, kaya raya tempoh sah aktif tu tidak pula mahu peduli sama cik epy. Sgt sedih. Apelah nasib badan... Haruskah mereka cari cik epy time cik epy sedang susah? Eh, susah? Statement tidak boleh blah! Sila jangan marah cik epy jika cik epy x reply ape2. Lagi satu, cik epy memang sgt malas untuk jawab call. Ya, sangat malas! Handphone cik epy bukan melekat 24 jam dengan cik epy*statement yg xbnar tp yg bnr dgn hp cik epy yg ag 1 2jela yg xmlkat lngsung ngn cik epy*. Cik epy selalu ignore handphone cik epy*tipu lg*. Erk, cik epy memang begitu orangnya. Harem lah cik epy nak berkepit dengan handphone cik epy*padahal 24jam ad kt tgn..hahaha*=,=sigh~~~ Makanya don't expect that I will answer ur phone immediately ya guys*especially unexpect no*. Take ur time and just keep contacting me until I answer with unpleasant voice. Hekhek~Nila padahnya pakai 2 hp..uhuks~kebaikannya bila da bljr nnti br cik epy 24jam pgg due2 hp cik epy 2ye..wat mase ni terpaksa leave 1 from 2 okie beb!
Monday is here dear =)

Hye guys!
Hey, hey, you, you and you, I just wanna to inform
i'm sorry
p/s Kawan-kawan yang baik hati, sila topUP kredit Cik epy<===*okie ni mmg muke xtaw malu yup..ahhaha*. Saya sangat malas untuk topUP*actually bkn mls but no cash 2 topUP*. Haish~
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